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Innovate 2012- ETFO Online Instructor’s Conference- Continue the Learning

May 3, 2012

I just returned from attending the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario Online Instructor’s Conference in Niagara Falls. All the attendees teach other teachers online, helping them to improve their qualifications. What happened at this conference that was different from most that teachers attend? Imagine some of the most creative, organized, talented, empathetic, knowledgeable people in the profession, from all across the province, and they were in the room. Now imagine that you could network and learn from the best of the best. That’s what happened at Innovate 2012.

I was honoured by being asked to present two workshops. The first was on using synchronous tools to improve the online experience of  course candidates. In the second presentation I helped instructors discover the power of Social Media and Web2.0 tools to enhance their courses. The eagerness with which attendees grabbed onto new strategies and tools for their courses, such as Diigo and Twitter, and the extraordinary ideas that people shared with one another, both formally and informally, were powerful.

As I mentioned in my sessions, we are creating networked learners and we need to share. As Dean Shareski is so often quoted, “We are what we share.” There was some serious sharing going on, that each one of the conference participants benefitted from. I know I did.

What learning will we share with our colleagues back at our schools? How will we conduct our online AQ courses differently in light of our new skills and knowledge? How will we continue to build our Personal Learning Networks and share our expertise with our fellow instructors? Encourage our fellow ETFO AQ Instructors to look at the shared presentation handouts posted in our D2L Forums. Keep up with our new Twitter followers. Follow the Twitter hashtag #etfoaqinstr. Email and support one another.

We created change in two days. Let’s keep the change moving forward.

Here are my two presentations for anyone to view:

One Comment leave one →
  1. Mark permalink
    May 8, 2012 3:02 am

    Sounds like a great time at the conference. I’m sure your workshops were great. I’m trying to remember the site that I used to create the 10 month tech plan for staff PD. I think you gave us 3 options to use. I want to use it again and add to it.

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